古中學程戊戌年古典學大師講座 :愛丁堡大學康道佮(Douglas Cairns)教授
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康道佮(DouglasCairns)為英國愛丁堡⼤學古典系的教授,專⻑為古典語⾔以及古典時期的倫理學、⼼理學,專注於研究史詩、悲劇中所反映出來的的古典希臘社會圖像、倫理與情緒(emotion)等課題。代表作有《愛多⼠:古希臘⽂學中的榮辱倫理與⼼理學》(Aidôs: The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature)等⼗餘冊。
上課地點/輔仁大學外語學院 LA102
上課時間/每週一、三、五 16:30 – 18:30(7.9-16由輔大跨文化研究所講座教授康士林代課)
報名方式/洽詢 02-2905-3832
Professor Douglas Cairns
(Department of Classics, University of Edinburgh)
Composed of the Iliad and the Odyssey, the Homeric Epics sing the struggles between the polis, heroes, and gods, and remain as one of the greatest works in the Western literary tradition. While the Odyssey speaks of Odysseus’ ten-year home-returning after Trojan War, the Iliad tells the tale of the war itself, including the rage of Achilles, the age-old struggles between the Olympian gods, and the legendary fall of Troy. Overtime the story has been told over and over again, flowing with the ancient blood that now sheds light on the thriving western culture. With a focus on the Iliad, the course introduces the themes and structure of the epic poem and invites all to discuss about its literary interpretation.
Coming from Department of Classics in University of Edinburgh, Professor Douglas Cairns specializes in language, emotion, and society in Classical Greece. Some of his works include Aidôs: The Psychology and Ethics of Honour and Shame in Ancient Greek Literature and Bacchylides: Five Epinician Odes (3, 5, 9, 11 and 13). Do not miss the chance to learn about the Homeric tradition with our annual visiting professor this summer!
Location/ FJU, College of Foreign Languages and Literatures LA102
Time/ 9th July-August 17th Mon. Wed. Fri. 16:30-18:30 (9th-16th substituted by Pro. Nicholas Koss)
Tuition Fee/ $2,772 (Not Including Tuition Fees for Extension Program Students)
Enrollment/ Feel Free to Consult Tel. (02)2905-3832
Syllabus: http://www.pwcmc-fjcu.com/event_of_the_year.html
Website: http://www.pwcmc-fjcu.com/
Admissions: http://www.pwcmc-fjcu.com/resources.html
Curriculum Workshop: http://www.pwcmc-fjcu.com/curriculum_workshop.html